
Monday, May 30, 2011

Security System at home door and security lock

The security is what a person expects from a home, this project was designed keeping this particular aspect in mind. The security system is made full proof to the maximum extent possible.
As the person is authenticated a signal can be given to the electric door lock system which can be actuated to automatically opening and closing the door. As the person is authenticated a door will automatically open for some set time delay and will be closed automatically after a particular time delay is over.
There is a large scope in future enhancements that can be provided along with this project like actuating a red glow on led on sensing the brute force.

• Problem and motivation:
1. This project is compatible in windows 98 only.
2. When the correct code is written in C language.
3. Wrong connection of the circuit may not provide a full security lock.
4. If wrong code is being entered, relay will get blocked and user has to wait for few seconds to enter the code again.

Approach and goal of this project: This project can be used for security purpose at home or at any place. In the given project, the two IR sensor circuits consist of 555 timer monostable modes as detecting circuit, will be attached at the entry/ exit door. The parallel port of PC get the data inputs from this, and according to the software, it counts the entry of each person at the door and also take the data reading for exits. The PC provide data outputs to the port to activate the devices to be switched with it. The 4-8 devices can be controlled with the system.
Download full project report here

A circuit that allows total control over your equipments without having to move around is a revolutionary concept. Total control over the speed of the fan is a boon to many. This product brings to you this very concept. Remote control facilitates the operation of fan regulators around the home or office from a distance. It provides a system that is simple to understand and also to operate, a system that would be cheap and affordable, a reliable and easy to maintain system of remote control and durable system irrespective of usage. It adds more comfort to everyday living by removing the inconvenience of having to move around to operate a fan regulator. The system seeks to develop a system that is cost effective while not undermining the need for efficient working. The average individual these days probably picks up a remote control at least once or twice a day.
Basically, a remote control works in the following manner. A button is pressed. This completes a specific connection which produces a Morse code line signal specific to that button. The transistor amplifies the signal and sends it to the LED which translates the signal into infrared light. The sensor on the appliance detects the infrared light and reacts appropriately. The remote control’s function is to wait for the user to press a key and then translate that into infrared light signals that are received by the receiving appliance. The carrier frequency of such infrared signals is typically around 36 kHz. The aim of this work is to design and construct a remote control for a fan regulator. The remote control device sends an infra-red beam, which is received by the infra-red sensor on the regulator and the speed of the fan is increased
Download full project report here

Sunday, May 29, 2011

We have pleasure in introducing our new project “Rain Operated Wiper In Helmet” which is fully equipped by wiper motor. It is a genuine project which is fully equipped and designed for helmet. The rain operated wiper system is a fully automation project.
• To achieve high safety
• To increase the efficiency of the vehicle
• To reduce the vehicle accident
• To high responsibility
• Less Maintenance cost
Windshield wipers are composed of three essential parts; the blade, the arm, and the motor. The blade is a slender length of rubber that has a triangular cross section, hence the name "blade." This is the part that scrapes snow, water and ice off the windshield and is the part most prone to breakdown. The arm is the part that holds the blade against the windshield and is the mechanism by which the blade is moved back and forth by the motor. The arm usually is comprised of metal and has a hinge that allows the driver to bend the arm to change the blade. The arm is very rarely replaced.
Download full project report here
In today’s world security is a major concern for every society. This project is regarding the security of cars parked in the society of the accommodates. It is a hardware based security project implemented using a RFID module for a society.
Every car is mounted by a transponder(tag). When a person wants to park his car in the space reserved for the parking of a society the tag mounted on it sends a radio frequency signal. There is a receiver tag in front on the barrier of the parking area. The received signal is matched and if it does i.e. an authorized car is identified then the host computer sends a signal for the barrier to be opened automatically for the car to be parked.
The basic functionality of our project is:- The transponder or a transmitter tag is nothing but an encoder which encodes or encrypts the data to be send and there is a decoder at the other end i.e at the receiver tag accepts and matches the signal.
Download full project report in doc

A cranking motor testing machine is a machine which is used to measure the torque generated by a cranking motor to start an engine. Different size of engine requires different torque to start. By this machine we can check that is a cranking motor can produce the sufficient amount of torque to start it. This machine also uses to determine the other difficulty which comes in the starting of an engine.

For example: - cranking motor is running properly but have an problem of engaging or disengaging of cranking motor gear with the flywheel gears. We can measure the power of cranking motor after repairing or maintenance of it. After maintenance we did not know that how much torque is generated by the cranking motor to start on engine and is this produced torque is sufficient of a particular engine. In this machine help us to know that it works properly or not after maintenance.

Main parts of self testing machine:

(1) Cranking motor
(2) Fly wheel
(3) Bearing & shaft
(4) Hydraulic press & hydraulic cylinder
(5) Brake drum & brake shoe
(6) Pressure gauge

Download full project report here
The objective is to make the kit which can detect whether the person is drunked or not. At present drunken drivers are increased enormously and so is the deaths due to drunken drivers are increased. The main reason for driving drunk is that there is nothing to check whether the person is drunked or not. So by using the alcohol detection kit the number of accidents can be decreased upto the desired level. At every check point a single kit can save the life of hundreds of people.

In our alcohol detection kit is regulated by a sensor circuit. The sensor circuit is used to detect whether the driver has consumed the alcohol or not. If he had consumed the alcohol then we can be able to know with a beep sound made by the piezo buzzer.
download full project report here