
Sunday, May 29, 2011

A cranking motor testing machine is a machine which is used to measure the torque generated by a cranking motor to start an engine. Different size of engine requires different torque to start. By this machine we can check that is a cranking motor can produce the sufficient amount of torque to start it. This machine also uses to determine the other difficulty which comes in the starting of an engine.

For example: - cranking motor is running properly but have an problem of engaging or disengaging of cranking motor gear with the flywheel gears. We can measure the power of cranking motor after repairing or maintenance of it. After maintenance we did not know that how much torque is generated by the cranking motor to start on engine and is this produced torque is sufficient of a particular engine. In this machine help us to know that it works properly or not after maintenance.

Main parts of self testing machine:

(1) Cranking motor
(2) Fly wheel
(3) Bearing & shaft
(4) Hydraulic press & hydraulic cylinder
(5) Brake drum & brake shoe
(6) Pressure gauge

Download full project report here

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