
Monday, May 30, 2011

Security System at home door and security lock

The security is what a person expects from a home, this project was designed keeping this particular aspect in mind. The security system is made full proof to the maximum extent possible.
As the person is authenticated a signal can be given to the electric door lock system which can be actuated to automatically opening and closing the door. As the person is authenticated a door will automatically open for some set time delay and will be closed automatically after a particular time delay is over.
There is a large scope in future enhancements that can be provided along with this project like actuating a red glow on led on sensing the brute force.

• Problem and motivation:
1. This project is compatible in windows 98 only.
2. When the correct code is written in C language.
3. Wrong connection of the circuit may not provide a full security lock.
4. If wrong code is being entered, relay will get blocked and user has to wait for few seconds to enter the code again.

Approach and goal of this project: This project can be used for security purpose at home or at any place. In the given project, the two IR sensor circuits consist of 555 timer monostable modes as detecting circuit, will be attached at the entry/ exit door. The parallel port of PC get the data inputs from this, and according to the software, it counts the entry of each person at the door and also take the data reading for exits. The PC provide data outputs to the port to activate the devices to be switched with it. The 4-8 devices can be controlled with the system.
Download full project report here


  1. Describing problems related to the project is fair job.This system is useful for home security.Its helpful in controlling crime in metropolitan cities.
