
Saturday, June 18, 2011

In today's commercial environment, establishing a framework for the authentication of computer-based information requires a familiarity with concepts and professional skills from both the legal and computer security fields. Combining these two disciplines is not an easy task. Concepts from the information security field often correspond only loosely to concepts from the legal field, even in situations where the terminology is similar. For example, from the information security point of view, "digital signature" means the result of applying to specific information certain specific technical processes described below. The historical legal concept of "signature" is broader. It recognizes any mark made with the intention of authenticating the marked document. In a digital setting, today's broad legal concept of "signature" may well include markings as diverse as digitized images of paper signatures, typed notations such as "/a/Abb SSh," or even addressing notations, such as electronic mail origination headers.
From an information security viewpoint, these simple "electronic signatures" are distinct from the "digital signatures" described in this tutorial and in the technical literature, although "digital signature" is sometimes used to mean any form of computer- based signature. These Guidelines use "digital signature" only as it is used in information security terminology, as meaning the result of applying the technical processes described in this tutorial.
To explain the value of digital signatures in legal applications, this tutorial begins with an overview of the legal significance of signatures. It then sets forth the basics of digital signature technology, and examines how, with some legal and institutional infrastructure, digital signature technology can be applied as a robust computer-based alternative to traditional signatures.
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District Collectrate for office Integration(CS & IT)

District Collectorate Office – Information Integration is to maintain and group together information from various departments of collector office, schools and hospitals.
Conventionally the citizen has to go to collector office in person to get the certificates like Community, Birth, Income , Ration card etc. resulting in a lot of wastage of time as well as money(involved for conveyance purpose). Here we provide the online registration facility for getting certificate to the citizens. So that they have to visit collector office only once at the time of certificate provision .
Create different employees and assign corresponding privileges.
Maintain a centralized database to provide security to information which can be accessed only by the admin.
Employee logs on to his account to approve/decline/reject the forms which are send by citizens to get certificates, under verification.
Transfer employee and promotion feature.
Track all the employees, citizens and their contact details.
All users are authenticated to avail the service.
Confirmation link is sent to the new user and employee when signing up.
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In modern electronics,we find this clap-operated remote control system quite useful in summers as it would enable you to control the speed of your fan or cooler, besides switching it on or off. Normally, a fan has three to five speeds but this remote control can control up to ten-step speed control fan. Besides, it provides visual indication of the speed of the fan.
The sound operated switch has the advantage that the transmitter is always with you. Further it can be used in hospitals for handicapped and in houses too.
These switches may be used to control lights or fans or anything else that does not produce too loud a sound. To prevent an occasional loud sound from causing malfunction, the circuit is normally quiescent.
This circuit may be considered in four parts : sound-operated trigger pulse generator, clock pulse generator, clock pulse counter and load operator.
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Robotic arm a prototype of an actual human arm capable of doing the same work beside found more fruitful application area. A robotic arm is a robot manipulator, usually programmable, with similar functions to a human arm. The links of such a manipulator are connected by joints allowing either rotational motion (such as in an articulated robot) or translational (linear) displacement. The links of the manipulator can be considered to form a kinematic chain
Whole project can be divided into three phases which include designing of the circuit and development of the source code and burning of the source code.
Circuit layout includes circuit and component to be placed on the board. Firstly design it on the pc design software and running of the test. Pc design software must include all component and results should be taken carefully. Each component should be properly tested while placing it on the board. Each component should be of specific rating to meet the desired result.
A development of Source Code includes creation of the assembly program and simulates it with the proper simulator software. We have included top-view simulator as simulator software. Input-output can be easily checked with the help of the input –output window.
On the completion of the above step, the final step includes program burning using a program burner. Program must be burn carefully and placing of the microcontroller should be taken care of while placing it on the burner. While burning microcontroller should me remove.
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Billing system(IT & CS)
The project “Billing system” is an application to automate the process of ordering and billing of a “Departmental store” .This web based application is designed considering the chain of departmental store which is located in various cities. This application also administrates its users and customers.
1.1 Overview
This project will serve the following objectives:-
1. Add and maintain records of available products.
2. Add and maintain customer details.
3. Add and maintain description of new products.
4. Add and maintain new entered category of products.
5. Provides economic/financial reports to the owner monthly or weekly and yearly.
6. Provides a convenient solution of billing pattern.
7. Make an easy to use environment for users and customers
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Chat messenger is a standlone application that is made up from the combination of two-application, server application (which runs on server side) and client application (which runs on client side). This application is using for chatting in LAN. To start chatting you must be connected with the server after that your message can broadcast to each and every client.
For making this application we are using some core java features like swing, collection, networking, I/O Streams and threading also. In this application we have one server and any number of clients (which are to be communicated with each other). For making a server we have to run the file at any system on the network that we want to make server and for client we have to run file on the system that we want to make client. For running whole client operation we can run the
We can understand Chat Messenger application by following steps :
•Features and Limitations of the Application
•Server Side Application
•Client Side Application
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Ultrasonic Distance Meter(EC)

This device calculates the distance based on the speed of sound at 25o C ambient temperature and shows it on a 7-segment display. Using it, you can measure distance up to 2.5 meter. For this particular application, the required components are AT89C2051 Microcontroller, two 40KHZ ultrasonic transducers (one each for transmitter and receiver), current buffer ULN2003, operational amplifier LM324, inverter CD4049, four 7-segment displays, five transistors and some discreet components.
In this project, you excite the ultrasonic transmitter unit with a 40KHZ pulse burst and expect as echo from the object whose distance you want to measure. Fig. 1.2. shows the transmitted burst, which lasts for a period of approximately 0.5 ms. It travels to the object in the air and the echo signal is picked up by another ultrasonic transducer unit (receiver), also a 40 KHZ pre-tuned unit. The received signal, which is very weak, is amplified several times in the receiver circuit and appears somewhat as shows in Fig.1.2 when seen on a CRO.Weak echoes also occur due to the signals being directly received through the side lobes. These are ignored as the real echo receive alone would give the correct distance
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Civil Registry system(CS)

This project is aim to develop civil registry system in millioms of Indian Citizens and the Government as a whole as it is a convenient and systematic approach for storing enormous quantites of data,that would give each individual his identity and also help him register for all legal documents he would require during the course of his life….
Application has 3 levels -:
Admin the super level.
Users at the lower level.
Visitors at the lowest level.
The technologies required in the project are - ASP.NET and SQL Server 2005 express.
There are a number of advantages of this application:
•It is basically a user friendly platform
•This application will help the administration to maintain a comprehensive list of civillains with their details and also provide hassle free document registration to the citizens.

The hardware requirements of the project are –
•Processor: Pentium IV
•Hard disk space : 80 GB (required) or more
•Memory: 512 MB RAM
•Display : SVGA Monitor(1024 by 768)
•Internet connection
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The refrigerating units currently used in road transport vehicle are of Vapour Compression Refrigeration system (VCRS). This system utilizes power from the engine shaft as the input power to drive the compressor of the refrigeration system, hence the engine has to produce extra work to run the compressor of the refrigerating unit utilizing extra amount of fuel. This loss of power of the vehicle for refrigeration can be neglected by utilizing another refrigeration system i,e. a Vapour Absorption Refrigeration System (VARS).

It is well known that an IC engine has an efficiency of about 35-40%, which means that only one-third of the energy in the fuel is converted into useful work and about 60-65% is wasted to environment. In which about 28-30% is lost by cooling water and lubrication losses, around 30-32% is lost in the form of exhaust gases and remainder by radiation, etc. In a Vapour Absorption Refrigeration System, a physicochemical process replaces the mechanical process of the Vapour Compression Refrigeration System by using energy in the form of heat rather than mechanical work. The heat required for running the Vapour Absorption Refrigeration System can be obtained from that which is wasted into the atmosphere from an IC engine.
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This project work deals with a detailed study and design procedure of pressure vessel. A detailed study of various parts of pressure vessels like shell, closure, support, flanges, nozzles etc. Design is carried according to rules of ASME code section VIII, Division I.

The first chapter deals with detailed study of pressure vessel i.e. the various materials used in pressure construction and temperature are mentioned .It also deals with the study of various parts like flanges, support etc. Various methods of fabrication and testing are also included.

The second chapter includes design criteria .This is followed by procedure of design, which include design shell and its components, nozzles, reinforcements etc.
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